Bookworm meme

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xXLionqueenXx's avatar
. So, you can read! Congrats!
Are you reading a book right now? How far are you into it and what do you think so far? If you're not, what was the last book you read and how did you feel about it?

I have read The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury, the day before yesterday. It's not the right time for it, but the weather fits perfectly. It's more like late October than January. It was very unusual, very fast (and short), beautifully written and one of the most longlasting books I have read in a while. The book itself might be tiny, but the story is huge.

. Do you have a favorite book? Do you have... a book you really liked, at least?
I have, many. Through The Shadowlands by Brian Sibley is my all-time favourite, so is The Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis, especially The Magician's Nephew. Also, The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica by James A. Owen and Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling are two favourite serieses of mine. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke is another favourite novel of mine, just as the collected fairy tales by Oscar Wilde. My favourite single novel, however, is The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. I just so love it!

. What would you say is your favorite genre to read? What do you tend to steer away from?
Various sub genres of fantasy, gothic/romantic literature, some classics and some children's books, some science-fiction. But I read all kinds of books, except of most young adult/teen and many contemporary stories.

. Have you read any terrible books? Something you'd recommend staying away from?
I've had to read Crazy by Benjamin Lebert in school. Luckily, it was a very short novel. It was horrible. I've been told it was a good example of the life of a teenager. Apparently, I must be totally wrong. Totally out of my age group. It was a horribly written mash up of sex in a school toilet, smoking of cigarettes (they also tried cigars, but those little babies didn't like those... uuuh...), running away AND "philosophy". They were... I think seven boys (of every single boy-type-chlishé, all of them having clishé moments, like the fat boy having is clothes torn, etc.) and they talked in a speudo-philosophical, completely shallow way about their life and experiences. And of course, all adult critics were sooo impressed by this boo, which was written by such a speshul teenager. Also, there was Hemingway. Lots of Hemingway. Blegh. They also had a perfectly clishé maths teacher. Several spelling and grammar issues. And very, very bad prose. Never read such a bad style before.

. Do you reread books, or is once enough? Any exceptions so far?
I do. If I love a book, I either re-read the full book or my favourite parts. I love to re-read single parts after reading the full book, to experience them from a "new angle" after reading the end. My favourite to-re-read book is The Magician's Nephew.

. What were some of your favorite books as a child?
Funnily, I've just started to read children's books at the age of twelve. Before that, I've never read those classics. I've read horse books. Lots of them.

. Do you usually pick books from the kids, teen, young adult, or adult books? How old are you, if you don't mind?
I don't like labelling books for age groups. Of course, books that contain lots of sex and violence are not for children (or me, hehe), but I think saying "interesting books are for adults, shallow books are for children" is stupid. And thinking of children's books as "less", looking down on them is foolish. Truly good children's books are wonderful reads for "grown ups", while stupid children's books should be read by no one - especially not by children. I love both, books for "children" and books for "adults". Young adult/teen books, however, are mostly (exceptions confirm the rule) shallow and have horrible writing. Many of them have the standard of a bad or mediocore children's book, but a dry, cold athmosphere. I don't like that. However, there are some books that go well as ya/teen books that are basicially all ager books - like Harry Potter, for example.

. Do you buy books much or mostly just borrow?
Buy. I need to own them. I am book addicted, bibliophile.

. Have you read any books after seeing them in movie form? Which did you enjoy more?
I usually prefer the book. And I sometimes read the book first or watch the movie first - siimply the way it happens.

. What about reading the book before there was a movie? How did you feel about the movie? Did you even bother seeing it?

. Do you read any other forms of literature aside from novels? Such as graphic novels, comics, (fan fiction???) etc.?
Graphic novels, comics, manga, fan fiction, biographies, non-fiction, anything, really. But I mostly read fictional novels.

. What is a book you want to read, but haven't yet? What intrigues you about it?
So, so many! Many classics I haven't read yet, some new books and some fantasy. Also, I need to read Big Fish, Water for Elephants and Something Wicked This Way Comes.

. If you could rewrite the end of one book (or any other part, I suppose), which would you choose?
I won't change any book.

If you can think of one, name a book that made you:

Bullet; Blue cry: So, so many! Narnia (because of my feelings when I am rereading), Warriors, Shadowlands, many others. PotO often makes me cry!

Bullet; Orange laugh: Narnia, Harry Potter, Trix Solier, The Phantom of the Opera.

Bullet; Purple think, in a deeper sense than the obvious: All the good books I have ever read!

Bullet; Yellow feel pure happiness: The Magician's Nephew! And HP and the Order of the Phoenix! And Shadowlands!

Bullet; Pink become so addicted you put off everything in order to finish it: Happens all the time...

Bullet; Black die of boredom: I don't read books I think are boring.

Bullet; White learn something new: I have leared from all the good books I've read.

Bullet; Green squirm with squickiness: What?

Bullet; Purple squirm with glee: Again, what?

Bullet; Pink very embarrassed to be reading it: I am not ashamed of what I read!

Bullet; Red angry: HPatOotP because of Umbridge ;D And Crazy, because it's so bad.
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I'm reading U , what do you read into that ? :D